Thursday, August 22, 2013

Is Someone Getting the Best of You?

Hi all,

         So recently I have been thinking about relationships and the consequences of them. Which I use the word consequence because there are both good and bad things that come from relationships. Usually with me I innately always pick the wrong person. I always seem to pick someone who is broken and somehow I think that I can fix them. Usually I succeed in doing this but when the times come for them to help me with a situation that I am going through then they run to the hills. Which I suppose I understand because I have just helped them get out of their own funk that they run from anything that could ruin that again. The thing is though is that relationships are two sided and just like a coin when you first meet someone you are gambling a bit. You are gambling with something a little more serious than money though. because you can always make more of that, you are gambling with your heart. You put yourself out there for someone you think you really 'like' or 'love' but it turns out that he is not the 'one.' Don't get me wrong I still believe in true love and I believe that there is someone for everyone out there but I think when you first get into a relationship you 'know' deep down inside whether this is going to be the person for you. You know when you look them in the eyes that this person is already far away or in turn so in love with you that nothing distracts him/her.
           I think that innateness within us is something that we have largely turned off. I am not saying every relationship needs to be Cinderella like or good guys always finish first movies but we need to have the thought in the back of our minds to listen to that little voice inside us. People get married and divorced all the time but maybe if they had thought about what the consequences of what that would be they would have reconsidered or even listened to that voice. When you find that there is something wrong with your significant other and you can't quite place what it is then you know it is that voice. If you are reading this somewhere on your wedding day I am not saying for you to run away, no run away brides or grooms please, but I want you to really think and consider is this the person who you want to grow old with? Those vows you are taking they do mean forever. As much as you think that divorce may be an option someday that is a consequence of the relationship; you are just as involved in the relationship in divorce as you are married. Whether you have kids or not. 
              Like I said I am not advocating a fairy tale adventure with singing mice and chirping birds because some of the best times in the relationship can also be some of the lowest points. Take for an example my parents: they were living in England on practically nothing but as they talk about it now they laugh and look back on it fondly as hard as it was at the time.
              My mom as I said in previous posts has just lost her best friend and lost her father a few months ago. She is hurting in every way imaginable. Two years ago she almost died from a rare disease and her best friend was there for her everyday and that is not an exaggeration she was literally there everyday. My mom is at the end of her rope with grief and she just wants to leave where we are currently living. My family is worried about her and my father told me that he would do whatever it takes to make sure she is healthy and happy. He stated that he was married to her and that meant taking care of her til the end of her or his days. That might seem a little extreme to you but after 30 years of marriage my dad still loves her as much as when they were first dating.
              Sorry ladies my dad is taken but that is what I am talking about. My dad would do anything for my mom and innately my mother always knew that he was the right one for her. Men yes it does work both ways. Although women may not always make you that sandwich, in hard times women are just as much there to help you, as you are to help them.
             These are just some of the consequences of a relationship. So please consider and be considerate of whom you open yourself up to. Don't squish that voice inside of your head because people tell you 'you won't find anyone better,' 'he/she is amazing you are lucky to have them,' and
'they are a good match because of lame excuse XYZ.' You deserve someone that makes you truly happy. Someone that won't take you for granted or only be there when they have a problem. You deserve your soul mate so please listen to that innate voice inside you.

This has been a PSA from
Haha just kidding.
P.S. title is Dave Grohl/Foo Fighters reference because he is amazing.

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