Monday, September 10, 2012

Mortality and Birth

Hi all!!
   Sorry I have not been able to post as often as I like I am a busy person! So I apologize. This post deals with two broad but similar subject matters: life and death. Mortality and birth are prevalent in our everyday lives and even though we cant have one without the other it still is hard when we lose someone that we love. It seems to me though that while one is a celebration and gets celebrated every year following the other is a memorial and is a very somber occasion. I think both should be a celebration one to memorialize the life of the person and one to celebrate the new life.
     I understand that many people believe the funeral should be a somber event with lots of flowers and black clothing but I mean really who wants to sit in black and look at your body and talk about what a great person they were? Throw a party spend that funeral home money on an elephant everyone loves elephant rides. But I guess everyone has their own opinions on the issue...
     No, offensive for that last paragraph just had to lighten things up a bit. Today in my Human Growth and Development classes we watched a video on midwives and babies being born. It was describing how that not all births need a C-section and that many women feel pushed into getting one and getting pushed into inducing their labor. The video talked about how natural births are better for the woman and less likely to harm the baby. Interesting sides to both stories on the video which is available on Netflix and Ricki Lake was a producer. I am pretty sure though if I am in that much pain I will just scream for an epidural. O.O
      So morality and birth thoughts? Ideas? Anything? Anyone out there?

Here is a parting poem I had made a while back. Hope you enjoy it:

Cry, wail, lament, and mourn
The love you shared, and the fact
You will never see your
Dearest friend again.
But rejoice, celebrate, and be joyous,
That their soul has left
The weak, sick, form they once inhabited.
They suffered and were in pain.
They cried out to be put out of their miseries
But held a strong face.
They watched the sympathetic faces of the blurring crowd;
But one stood out among the rest.
The true visage of their love
And the sorrow that clouded their eyes.
That sorrowful love made the pain
Better and
In those last moments of life they want
That person beside them,
That last look,
That last "I love you,"
And that last image in their eyes,
Burned into their mind is
To them that is the best. most wonderful sight
In the world.
In that moment they know
They have not died in vain.
While you cry after they pass,
They rejoice with the knowledge of seeing
You, one last time and that you are living on.
So be sad for today,
But remember they left you to live
And be happy.
So cry for today,
Awaken tomorrow with a new purpose,
The purpose of living for your love.
The purpose of Death.